About me
I make video under the name of G-Shots TV and which are posted on many website including 'GShotsTV' on YouTUBE. I am a long-time Pacifica resident sought appointment to and ran for Pacifca City Council in 2012, was twice elected to the San Bruno City Council, originally at age 23 and was Mayor when I was 25 prior to law school and 31 years with police, fire and emergency communications with the Department of Emergency Management in San Francisco. I have had a interest in "Channel 8" since I was in college, and it was through my actions that the City-owned San Bruno Municipal Cable TV began broadcast City Council and Planning Commission meeting in San Bruno, shortly after Channel 8 did so here in Pacifica. Knowing my background and interests my friends Andy and Diana encouraged me to become active with PCT and would like to gain the assistance of PCT of how one-man, an unpaid civilian, in the person of Thomas R. Fox, then of the old Fox Hardware Stores, a unpaid civilian volunteer, wearing "two hats", one an an Office of Emergency Services volunteer (callsign 4891) and a volunteer with the Mayor's office under fire radio callsign 4530 bascically took charge of an ran the City and County of San Francisco during that fateful date of October 17, 1989 when the Loma Prieta 8.9 Quake devastated that Bay Area at 5:04 p.m. while most of use were just settling in to watch the World Series from Candestick. Tom was the one who activated the command structure by picking up a hard-wire phone using buried cables connected to when I then worked in the San Francisco PD radio room old cord board, he immediated ordered a police presence to secure the OES/FD Dispatch centers, order the muni to release it diesel fuel reserves delivered to SF Fire Station filling stations, notified the US 6th Army then based at the Presidio, and had the Coast Guard Station to have three helicopter to provide an aerial damage assessment within 30 minutes of taking charge at OES. He knew where things were and how best to use them although little of this was in any procedure manual. Former San Francisco librarian Gladys Hansen, and her son, used to do their archives out of his 11th Street office building and may have other documentation. Tom is extremely modest and understated, his health is also rapidly declining after complication from a major stroke this year. This is a story which much be told and really Tom Fox is the only one to tell it.
My specific interests related to PCT
History and documentation. Horace Henshaw has shown my work in regard to a Bill Drake tribute.
I'd like to learn:
technical direction, basic media-lab certification, director, producer