

El Granada, CA

About me

The Granada Sanitary District was formed in 1958 under the California Sanitary District Act of 1923. In October of 2014, the District was reorganized as the Granada Community Services District under California Government Code 61000 et seq. The District is responsible for parks, recreation, garbage and recycling services in the unincorporated areas of El Granada, Princeton, Princeton-by-the-Sea, Clipper Ridge, and Miramar. The District is also responsible for the sewage collection system and disposal for approximately 2,500 residences and businesses in these same unincorporated areas as well as the northern portion of the City of Half Moon Bay as shown on the figure below. Sewage is conveyed to the Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), located near Kehoe Avenue in Half Moon Bay. The District’s wastewater collection system includes approximately 31miles of gravity sewer pipe, 12 miles of lower lateral pipelines,1 mile of force main pipeline, and one pump station. The District’s system conveys approximately 360,000 gallons per day of average dry weather flow to the SAM WWTP.